Authors |
Mazurenko Andrey Petrovich, Doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, head of sub-department of state and law theory and history, Pyatigorsk branch of North Caucasus Federal University (46 Ermolova street, Pyatigorsk, Stavropol region, Russia),
Meshcheriakova Anzhela Valer'evna, Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, deputy head of sub-department of state and law theory and history, Pyatigorsk branch of North Caucasus Federal University (46 Ermolova street, Pyatigorsk, Stavropol region, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Study of the problems posed in the title of this article is one of th new and promising directions in the theory and history of state and law. This is due to the fact that the law-making policy, as a concrete historical phenomenon of social reality, in one form or another, has existed in the Russian state at all times. Thus, not to pay attention to the historical aspects of its development in different periods would be absolutely wrong. In this case, we won’t be able to move on, it won’t be possible to trace the patterns of formation of this phenomenon at the present stage, and, even more so, to predict its change in the future.
Materials and methods. Solution of the research problems was achieved on the basis of the comprehensive analysis of lawmaking policies in the age of absolutism. A special place in the framework of the present work is taken by the lawmaking policy during the reign of Peter I, Catherine II and Alexander I. In this study, the authors used the methods of comparative law, the concrete historical and historicallegal analysis, which allow to compare the changes in the law-making policy of absolutism depending on the specific historical circumstances.
Results. The authors studied the problems of formation and implementation of the law-making policy in the age of absolutism, analyzed the features of forms and methods of law-making policies that were typical of the reign of the Russian emperors since the middle of the XVIII century and until the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917. The researchers identified positive and negative results of the said policy regarding the fate of the Russian people.
Conclusions. The study of the law-making policy of the absolutism period possible has allowed to trace the genesis of this phenomenon for nearly two centuries of the Russian state. As the power of the emperor/empress was growing, his/her role as the sole legislative body and the main subject of law-making policy was increasing steadily, and the value of collegial bodies was gradually decreasing. For this and other reasons, the constitutional parliamentary way to address key issues of Russia in those times was absolutely blocked, the law-making policies of the last Russian emperor proved to be ineffective and led, ultimately, to the collapse of the tsarist and the victory in the proletarian revolution.
Key words |
law-making policy, legislation, absolutism, parliamentarism, government.
References |
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